Connecting CapMonster2 to other programs

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CapMonster2 automatically intercepts captchas from most scripts and programs sent to recognition services. Standard requests for recognition services are supported, the form of which can be found in the documentation for the services API.

A little about the CapMonster2 API

When intercepting a request sent to the manual recognition service, CapMonster2 itself determines the type of captcha and recognizes it. In addition, you can specify the specific name of the module that should process this captcha in the additional parameters of the request. Then the program will not detect the type of captcha, but will immediately send it for recognition by the specified module. Additional query parameters are those parameters that indicate that the captcha, for example, is case-sensitive. The name of the module can be taken from the list of modules, when you click on the required module with the right mouse button, a menu will open, in which you need to select the Copy full module title item.

As a result, the additional parameter should look like this:


Where ZennoLab.solvemedia is the name of the required module.

Also, CapMonster2 supports a balance request and returns 555 so that programs and scripts that turn off when a small balance is reached on the manual recognition service work correctly without stopping.

Automatic response return (Pingback / Callback)

Added in version

The pingback (callback) method allows you to receive responses with a captcha solution from CapMonster2 without making requests to /res.php or / getTaskResult.

To receive an answer in automatic mode, you must:

  1. In the request, when creating a task /in.php (RuCaptcha) or / createTask (Anti-Captcha), pass your URL in the pingback (RuCaptcha) or callbackUrl (Anti-Captcha) parameter, to which a response will be sent.

  2. Process the HTTP POST request that comes from our server to your URL. According to RuCaptcha API, data comes as URLencoded FormData (application / x-www-form-urlencoded). The request contains two parameters: id (ID of your captcha) and code - the answer to it. According to the API of the Anti-Сaptcha v2 service, the content is identical to the response of the / getTaskResult method.

Recognition of CapMonster2 captchas sent from your other server

In the CapMonster2 settings, you must specify the IP and port (80 by default) to which you will send requests.

Captcha services emulation mode works only on port 80!

To add your IP, you need to edit the MainSettings.xml file located in the folder: C:\Users\<USER NAME>\AppData\Roaming\ZennoLab\CapMonster\2\CapMonster
Before changing the MainSettings.xml file, set any IP in the CapMonster settings and close the software.
Enter the required IP into MainSettings.xml, close the file with saving and start CapMonster.
The required IP should appear in the settings.
If you select "Choose an IP address automatically" in CapMonster settings and restart the service or software, the IP address you entered will be deleted and you will need to re-enter it in the MainSettings.xml file.

To apply the setting, you need to restart the service: press “Stop” and then “Start”.

When CapMonster2 starts up, a web server will be brought up on the specified IP.

Now the server that sends captchas must use this IP address to send captchas to it. Here, either you yourself can specify this IP in the program as a recognition service, or you need to register redirection from (or another service that you use to recognize captchas) to the selected IP.

This is done in the hosts file located in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts folder by adding an entry: 

where is your local IP.

If a router is used, then it is necessary to register the IP that is issued by the router of the CapMonster2 device in the local network (you can check with the Windows network settings) or specify the IP on the Internet (if the connection is only through it), but port forwarding in the routers is required.

If everything is configured correctly, then when you go over IP in the Internet browser, the CapMonster2 stub should open:

When sending captchas from ZennoPoster over the local network, you need to specify the local IP address in the captcha services settings, on which CapMonster2 is running.