ReCaptcha Audio

ReCaptcha Audio

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Added in ZennoPoster and CapMonster

CapMonster2 has the ability to recognize old and new sound ReCaptchas. The ZennoLab.AudioReCaptcha module will be available in the program. It works like this: when a ReCaptcha is encountered on the page, you need to select recognition via audio recording and send it to CapMonster2.

Principle of work:

Usage in ZennoPoster

To send audio captchas from ZennoPoster, you can use the snippet we have prepared:

//Main settings // waiting timeout var waitTime = 1000; // recognition attempts var tryRecognize = 10; // attempts to load element var tryLoadElement = 60; // show recognizing progress messages var needShowMessages = false; // need to check answer's correctness var needToCheck = true; // Additional variables // tab var tab = instance.ActiveTab; // congratulations, you are not robot var success = false; // audio file var file = string.Empty; // file has been deleted var fileDeleted = true; // answer to audio captcha var answer = string.Empty; // ReCaptcha 1 var isRecaptcha1 = false; // timeout exceeded var timeout = false; // error loading file var fileLoadingError = false; var usedURLs = new List<string>(); var isFirstAttempt = true; var coincidenceReCaptcha2Index = -1; // Searching audio button element Action TryOpenAudioForm = () => { for (int k = 0; k < tryLoadElement; k++) { var audioButton = tab.FindElementById("recaptcha-audio-button"); // if found if (!audioButton.IsVoid) { // press button audioButton.Click(); tab.WaitDownloading(); break; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(waitTime); // pause if (k == (tryLoadElement - 1)) timeout = true; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(waitTime); // pause }; Action OpenAudioTask= () => { project.SendInfoToLog("Loading audio task", needShowMessages); //checking task type in the form var task = tab.FindElementByAttribute("div", "class", "rc-imageselect-desc-wrapper", "regexp", 0); if (!task.IsVoid) TryOpenAudioForm(); // graphic task has been found, then loading audio }; Action VisibleIndexReCaptchaDefinition= () => { var recaptchaElementsGroup = tab.FindElementsByAttribute("div", "class", "recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark", "regexp"); int length = recaptchaElementsGroup.Elements.Length; if (length == 1) { coincidenceReCaptcha2Index = 0; return; } for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) { var element = recaptchaElementsGroup.Elements[i]; if (!element.IsVoid) { int x = element.DisplacementInTabWindow.X; int y = element.DisplacementInTabWindow.Y; var suspectVisibleElement = tab.GetElementFromPoint(x, y).DisplacementInTabWindow; if (x == suspectVisibleElement.X && y == suspectVisibleElement.Y && element.Width != 0 && element.Height != 0 && x != 0 && y != 0) { coincidenceReCaptcha2Index = i; break; } } } }; // Identifying ReCaptcha version Action NotRobotClick= () => { for (int k = 0; k < tryLoadElement; k++) { VisibleIndexReCaptchaDefinition(); if (coincidenceReCaptcha2Index < 0) coincidenceReCaptcha2Index = 0; // поиск кнопки "Я не робот" HtmlElement notRobot = tab.FindElementByAttribute("div", "class", "recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark", "regexp", coincidenceReCaptcha2Index); // кнопка существует if (!notRobot.IsVoid) { // клик по кнопке notRobot.Click(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(waitTime); // подождём немного // если ввод каптчи не требуется var check = tab.FindElementByAttribute("div", "class", "recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark", "regexp", coincidenceReCaptcha2Index); if (!check.IsVoid) { if (check.OuterHtml.Contains("style=\"\"")) { success = true; timeout = false; break; } } } // Форма существует var loadedForm = tab.FindElementByAttribute("div", "class", "primary-controls", "regexp", 0); if (!loadedForm.IsVoid) break; // checking if ReCaptcha 1 audio button exists HtmlElement r1 = tab.FindElementById("recaptcha_switch_audio"); if (!r1.IsVoid) { r1.Click(); isRecaptcha1 = true; break; } // подождём загрузки элементов System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(waitTime); if (k == (tryLoadElement - 1)) timeout = true; } }; // Downloading mp3 file Action GetAudioFile= () => { var href = String.Empty; // getting audio task for (int k = 0; k < tryLoadElement; k++) { if (isRecaptcha1) { var audioChallenge = tab.FindElementByAttribute("a", "id", "recaptcha_audio_download", "text", 0); // if found, getting link to audio file if (!audioChallenge.IsVoid) { href = audioChallenge.GetAttribute("href"); break; } else System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(waitTime); } else { if (isFirstAttempt) { isFirstAttempt = false; } else { var reload = tab.FindElementById("recaptcha-reload-button"); if (!reload.IsVoid) { reload.Click(); tab.WaitDownloading(); } } var audioChallenge = tab.FindElementByAttribute("a", "class", "rc-audiochallenge-tdownload-link", "regexp", 0); // if found, getting link to audio file if (!audioChallenge.IsVoid) { href = audioChallenge.GetAttribute("href"); break; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(waitTime); // waiting when form will be loaded } if (k == (tryLoadElement - 1)) timeout = true; } foreach (var usedUrl in usedURLs) { if (usedUrl.Contains(href)) throw new Exception("new audio file is absent"); } usedURLs.Add(href); project.SendInfoToLog("Downloading audio file", needShowMessages); try { var proxy = instance.GetProxy(); var respType = ZennoLab.InterfacesLibrary.Enums.Http.ResponceType.File; var timeoutRequest = 30000; var cookies = instance.GetCookie("google.com", true); var userAgent = project.Profile.UserAgent; var maxRedirectCount = 1; var downloadPath = project.Directory + "\\audiofiles"; file = ZennoPoster.HttpGet(href, proxy, "UTF8", respType, timeoutRequest, cookies, userAgent, false, maxRedirectCount, null, downloadPath); fileDeleted = false; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Failed to download audio file"); } }; Action Recognize= () => { project.SendInfoToLog("Recognizing", needShowMessages); try { if (!File.Exists(file)) { fileLoadingError = true; fileDeleted = true; return; } var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(file); if (bytes.Length < 1024) { fileLoadingError = true; return; } var hexStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(2); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) hexStringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", bytes[i]); var header_prefix = hexStringBuilder.ToString(); if (!header_prefix.Equals("ffe3")) { fileLoadingError = true; throw new Exception("Your IP was banned!"); return; } string str = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); var rc = ZennoPoster.CaptchaRecognition("CapMonster2.dll", str, "CapMonsterModule=ZennoLab.AudioReCaptcha&ParallelMode=true"); var split = rc.Split(new [] {"-|-"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (split.Length > 0) answer = split[0]; if (answer.Contains("133193320491090004119440")) throw new Exception("Your IP was banned!"); } finally { if (File.Exists(file)) { File.Delete(file); fileDeleted = true; } } }; Action InputAnswer= () => { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(answer) && answer != "sorry") { project.SendInfoToLog("Inserting answer", needShowMessages); HtmlElement audioAnswerInput = null; // searching answer input field if (isRecaptcha1) { audioAnswerInput = tab.FindElementByAttribute("input:text", "id", "recaptcha_response_field", "text", 0); } else { audioAnswerInput = tab.FindElementByAttribute("input:text", "id", "audio-response", "regexp", 0); } // if found if (!audioAnswerInput.IsVoid) { // inserting answer audioAnswerInput.SetValue(answer, "None", false); } // pause System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(waitTime); } else throw new Exception("Answer not received"); }; // Verifying Action SubmitAnswer= () => { // searching "Verify" button HtmlElement apply = tab.FindElementById("recaptcha-verify-button"); if (!apply.IsVoid) apply.Click(); tab.WaitDownloading(); // pause System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(waitTime); }; // Checking if answer is correct for ReCaptcha 2 Action Check= () => { project.SendInfoToLog("Verifying answer", needShowMessages); tab.WaitDownloading(); for (int k = 0; k < tryLoadElement; k++) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(waitTime); var checkAnswer = tab.FindElementByAttribute("div", "class", "recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark", "regexp", coincidenceReCaptcha2Index); // проверка исчезновения формы var loadedForm = tab.FindElementByAttribute("div", "class", "primary-controls", "regexp", 0); if (loadedForm.IsVoid) { success = true; break; } else { int xPrimaryControlsDisplaysment = loadedForm.DisplacementInTabWindow.X; int yPrimaryControlsDisplaysment = loadedForm.DisplacementInTabWindow.Y; if (xPrimaryControlsDisplaysment < 0 || yPrimaryControlsDisplaysment < 0) // there are no visible recaptcha { success = true; break; } if (checkAnswer.IsVoid) break; } var recaptchas = tab.FindElementsByAttribute("div", "class", "recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark", "regexp"); if (recaptchas.Count == 0) { success = true; return; } if (!checkAnswer.IsVoid) { if (checkAnswer.OuterHtml.Contains("style=\"\"")) success = true; else success = false; return; } if (k == (tryLoadElement - 1)) timeout = true; } }; // Checking "I'm not robot" checkbox NotRobotClick(); if (success) return "ok"; // trying to recognize ReCaptcha for (int i = 0; i < tryRecognize; i++) { if (!isRecaptcha1) OpenAudioTask(); if (timeout) break; GetAudioFile(); if (timeout) break; Recognize(); if (fileLoadingError) { fileLoadingError = false; continue; } if (timeout) break; InputAnswer(); if (timeout) break; if (!fileDeleted) { if (File.Exists(file)) { File.Delete(file); fileDeleted = true; } } if (isRecaptcha1) return "ok"; SubmitAnswer(); if (!needToCheck) return "ok"; if (timeout) break; Check(); if (success) return "ok"; } if (timeout) throw new Exception("Loading element timeout is exceeded"); else throw new Exception("Not recognized, Attempts to recognize were ended, before the response was received");


The snippet also works when an old or telephone user agent is used in the browser.

It is imperative to use a proxy, because after 3-5 recognized captchas from one IP, ReCaptcha denies access to the audio file.

If ReCaptcha is not recognized the first time, the snippet will try a second time. The number of attempts to load elements, the waiting time, the number of attempts to recognize the captcha and the need to check the correctness of the answer can be changed using the variables:

// wait time var waitTime = 1000; // number of attempts to recognize var tryRecognize = 10; // number of attempts to load an element var tryLoadElement = 60; // check the correctness of the recognized response var needToCheck = true; // show messages about the progress of recognition var needShowMessages = false;

The function of sending captcha to the service looks like this:

ZennoPoster.CaptchaRecognition("CapMonster2.dll", str, "CapMonsterModule=ZennoLab.AudioReCaptcha&ParallelMode=true");

, where the CapMonster2.dll service parameters are listed separated by "&": specifying the module name and setting up recognition in parallel mode, respectively.


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