

Table of contents


The Rules tab is used to configure the parameters by which proxies will be selected later.
Rules are a set of conditions by which you can take a proxy from the list of "live" proxies. Thus, the rules are applied to those proxies that have already been verified. Rules can be used to customize the outputting of proxies according to various criteria. For example, you only need anonymous proxies or elite ones, with maximum speed and minimum timeout, unbanned on Google and Twitter, only Russian proxies to work with Russian social networks, etc.

How to open?

The first way

Via the Control tab

Second way

Through the Proxy tab

Control Panel


Allows you to create a new rule from scratch.
If at this moment there is an unsaved rule on the assembly panel (described below), a dialog will appear asking you to save the changes.


With the Clear button, you can remove components in the Assembly Panel window.


Allows you to save all changes that have been made. Click the Save button and choose a name for the rule. All saved rules, as well as preset rules, you can see in the List of rules section at the bottom of the window.


To change a rule, you need to select it in the List of Rules and click the Change button, after which its components will be transferred to the Assembly Panel.


To remove a rule from the List of Rules, you need to select it and click the Remove button.

Restore defaults

Allows you to restore the default values for the default rules.

List of rules

All rules added to the program are displayed in this window. By clicking on the “+” (plus) next to the rule name, you can see the details for it.

Assembly panel

Components from the Available Components for a rule window are added here. You can add it using drag and drop.

Component properties

This window displays the properties of the component currently selected in the Assembly Panel.

After adding by dragging the required component from the Available Components window to the Assembly Panel, you can customize it.
Take the Labels component as an example. To activate the editing mode for the properties of this component, just click on it once and on the right in the Component Properties window, you will see the editing properties.

The components need to be configured one at a time, from left to right. If you have not adjusted the left component, then you will not be able to proceed to editing the next, which are to the right.