Main Window (Sources)

Main Window (Sources)

Table of contents


This tab displays all proxy sources added to the program.
Here are the controls that allow you to change source settings, delete them, add them, see the number of proxies, etc.

Control Panel

Help wizard

Allows you to easily add a proxy, or source, for verification. It is described in detail in the article Help wizard.

Add proxy

Allows you to add a proxy list.

Add source

Allows you to add a proxy collection source.
When clicked, the source settings window opens. You can read more about this window in the article Source Settings.

Source settings

This button allows you to change the settings of the added sources.

After clicking on the “Source Settings” button, the settings will open, which are described in detail in the Source Settings article.


Using the remove button, you can delete the sources you don't need. To do this, select the sources and click the remove button.

Deleting a source will also delete all proxies of this source.


Using this button, you can save source addresses to a file.

Load proxies

This function allows you to load a proxy from a source.

Check proxies

After you have downloaded the proxies from the source, you can check them to see how many of those proxies are alive.
After clicking this button, a progress bar will appear at the top of the table. Using the “Cancel” button, to the right of the scale, you can stop the verification process.

Re-check the live ones

Allows you to re-check already found live source proxies.
The same progress bar will appear as in the “Check proxies” mode.


The Expand button expands the group with the list of sources, if it was previously minimized.


The Minimize button minimizes the group with the list of sources.

Auto-mode panel

Using this button, you can activate the panel for quick control of loading and checking proxies. This panel appears above the list of sources:

The left side of the panel displays the number of sources (live sources / total)

On right:

Loading - download proxies from sources.

Auto-search - automatic search for new proxy sources.

Checking - checking found proxies.

Loading time

The Loading time button adds three new columns to the sources table "Loading timeout", "Next loading", "Rating" (they will be described below)

Remove all proxies

Removes all proxies from the program.

Black list

If the proxies contained in the source are for some reason unsuitable for the execution of the project or the source itself is not trustworthy, and ZennoProxyChecker continues to add and check proxies from these sources, wasting precious time and resources, then such a source can be added to the Blacklist and you won't hear of it again.

  1. Adding to black list - for manual addition, enter the address in the field and press the Enter key.
    You can also add it through the context menu (described below in the article, in the Context menu section).

  2. Removing from the blacklist - select the source by clicking to the left of it (rectangle with number 2 in the screenshot) and press the Remove key.

  3. Import / Export - these buttons allow you to save (export) the current black list or load (import) a previously saved one.

Source table

This table contains all available information on proxy sources.
The columns of the table will be described below.

Type of source

Local source (file on hard disk).

Remote (source by URL)

Local source (file on hard disk).

Remote (source by URL)

Source status

Proxies loaded successfully

Inaccessible addresses or non-existent file

The address is available, but the proxy was not found on it.

Proxies loaded successfully

Inaccessible addresses or non-existent file

The address is available, but the proxy was not found on it.

Path - the path to the source will be indicated here. This can be a URL or a path to a file on your hard drive.

Live - The number of live proxies from this source. When you click on this number, you will be redirected to the Proxy tab, in which only proxies for this source will be shown.

All - the total number of proxies on this source.

The following columns appear when you activate the “Loading Time” button on the Control Panel.

Loading timeout - pause between downloads of the proxy from the source. You can change it in the Source Settings.

Next loading - is a countdown to the next download of the proxy.

Rating - falls if it was not possible to get a proxy from the source.

Selecting multiple sources at once

In the table, you can select several sources at once, to apply settings to all at once, and not one at a time. There are several ways to do this, and they are described below under the spoiler.


Mouse + Ctrl key - allows you to select several sources, but each one separately.


Mouse + Shift key - allows you to select multiple sources in a row, select one source, press Shift , then click on another source below or above the one already selected, all that are between them will also be selected.

Selecting a group

If you click on the name of a group, then all sources in it will be selected.


Pressing this key combination will select all proxies in expanded groups.

Source context menu

Load/check/re-check proxy - these functions are similar to the actions of the same name from the Control Panel (described above)

Force loading - executes the same function as Load proxy.

Open source - if it is a URL, it will be opened in the default browser. If it is a local file, it will be opened in a text editor.

Edit labels - allows you to set a new label for the source.

Source Settings - opens the settings window. You can read more about it in this article.

Add to black list - adds the selected sources to the black list. More details about it are written above.

Enable/Disable - allows you to enable / disable sources. Disabled source is displayed in gray in the table and proxies are not loaded from it.

Remove - removes the source and all its proxies from the program.

Useful links

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