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There are environment variables in ZennoPoster beside user ones. They store various information: parameters of the instance page (URL, DOM, text, domain, notification and alert text, etc.), time and date variables, project variables (name, folder, proxy rules, id of the last error etc.), numerous profile variables (mail, gender, name, user agent, etc.)

Below you can find detailed information about each variable.

Variables of the current active tab

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Current page url


Source code of the current web page


DOM of the current web page


The text of the current web page without HTML tags


Full domain of the current web page, including subdomains.


The main domain of the current web page, excluding subdomains.


Alert title displayed on sites using the alert () JS function


Alert text displayed on sites using the alert () JS function


The title of the last notification from the site

We are talking about messages that come after you allow the site to send you notifications.


The text of the last notification from the site

We are talking about messages that come after you allow the site to send you notifications.


Full path of the last downloaded file

Time and date

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Current date and time in format ММ/DD/YEAR hh:mm:ss (example - 01/25/2020 14:41:18).

You can change the format of the output string! To do this, add a format template before the closing parenthesis.

Example: {-TimeNow.Date dd.MM.yyyy}, after execution we get the following string - 25.01.2020 14.41

You can read more about formatting here and here.


Day of the month


Current month (day)


Current year


Day of the week


Current hour (in 24 hour format)


Current minute


Current second


Current millisecond


Current date and time in format YEAR-ММ-DD hh-мм-ss--milliseconds (2020-01-25 14-41-59--834)

Doesn't support formatting!



Project variables

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Full path to profile-folder (or an empty string if profile-folder is not used).


Template directory


Plugin directory (if the executable template is a plugin)


Template name


The current proxy of the project.


Rule used from ProxyChecker


Time spent on the last executed action


ID of the last performed action


The text of the last action that ended with an error

If the action did not have a custom comment (Right mouse button on the action => Comment), then an empty string will be returned.


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Year of birth


Month of birth








E-mail address


Mailbox password


















The answer to security question # 1


The answer to security question # 2


Height of the generated screen (excluding the taskbar)

If Screen emulation is not enabled and the parameter is not changed through C# code or through the Profile processing action, the value 50505 will be returned


The width of the generated screen (excluding the taskbar)

If Screen emulation is not enabled and the parameter is not changed through C# code or through the Profile processing action, the value 50505 will be returned


Generated Screen Height

If Screen emulation is not enabled and the parameter is not changed through C# code or through the Profile processing action, the value 50505 will be returned


Generated screen width

If Screen emulation is not enabled and the parameter is not changed through C# code or through the Profile processing action, the value 50505 will be returned


The distance, in pixels, from the left edge of the screen to the browser window.

Can be changed using the Profile processing action


The distance, in pixels, from the top of the screen to the browser window.

Can be changed using the Profile processing action


Deprecated variables.





HTTP header Accept
Indicates which content types, expressed as MIME types, the client (browser) can understand.


HTTP header Accept-Charset
Tells the character encoding the browser is willing to accept.


HTTP header Accept-Language
Tells the server about all languages that we prefer when reading the web-page.


HTTP header Accept-Encoding
The list of supported methods for encoding the content of an entity during transmission.


Generated browser User-Agent string


Individual elements of the generated User-Agent string











Deprecated variable

System Variables (Environment)

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User ID from the personal account working with the template.


The number of milliseconds that have passed since the computer was turned on.

This variable is based on Environment.TickCount from C#, so it has one peculiarity: if the computer will work for a long time and continuously, then after ~ 24.9 days this variable will reach its maximum positive value - 2147483647. After that, it will jump to the lowest possible value - -2147483648 and will start counting down to zero (reach it in~24,9) etc.


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New line break




Tab character


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Full path to the directory where ZennoPoster is installed.

Example - C:\Program Files\ZennoLab\EN\ZennoPoster Pro V7\\Progs\

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