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A profile is a virtual personality, the data of which is generated each time a template is running (in ProjectMaker, generation occurs when the button Restart is pressed; in ZennoPoster, every time a project is executed). Detailed data on the profile can be obtained in the Profile Window


When the project is executed, all data will be generated in the profile that will be used for registration, including browser data (language, screen size, User Agent and dozens of others).


To open the profile generation parameters, click on the Profile icon in the static blocks area (located under the canvas with actions):


At the moment (program version - 6 nationalities are available:

  1. Russia

  2. USA (USA)

  3. Germany (Germany)

  4. France (France)

  5. Spain (Spain)

  6. United Kingdom (UK)



Drop-down list with the ability to select multiple values. The content of this list depends on the selected country:


After activating the settings, the following window will appear:



At the very end, after you have set all the parameters to the desired position, you should press this button to check that the set parameters are correct and match each other.


The Web Speech API allows you to interact with voice interfaces for speech recognition and synthesis. Speech Voices are voice presets that are used to generate audio representations of information.

Canvas / WebGL

titleWhat are Canvas and WebGL

Canvas is an HTML5 element that is used for creating graphics on web pages.

WebGL is the API for rendering 3D graphics in a browser.

Both Canvas and WebGL can be used for fingerprinting your browser. There are several methods to get browser fingerprints, one of them is WebGL Image.
The fingerprinting process follows roughly the same principle: a hidden image is drawn on a site page, from which the hash is obtained. On different devices, the result will be different because it depends on the combination of hardware, drivers, and browser. This difference is what allows you to track users.

titleBefore ZennoPoster

Canvas has several possible contexts, WebGL has a huge number of options and extensions. All this can be emulated in ZennoPoster. And when you enable the Canvas / WebGL block, absolutely all parameters and contexts will be emulated automatically.

Canvas/WebGL emulation has been greatly improved in version!

There are now three options:

  • Not emulate - the same browser fingerprint will be used for all profiles you create.

  • Add noise - when this setting is enabled, the fingerprint will be new for each profile. The disadvantage of this mode is that it will get a 100% unique fingerprint, which is not quite natural.
    For some websites, it is enough to use this method.

  • Super emulation - generated in this mode, the fingerprint will not be 100% unique. This will allow you to blend in with the crowd since there are many copies of the device all over the world.
    WARNING! "Super Emulation" mode works only on the Chromium engine


For WebGL to work in a browser, you need to have an enabled setting in Instance> Use GPU. Required for using WebGL

Continue working when the canvas was not emulated (not recommended)- if this setting is enabled and Canvas could not be generated, the project will continue. If the setting is OFF, the work of the project will be terminated with an error (if the Canvas could not be generated).

JS Features

A lot of sophisticated techniques can be used to detect a browser, for example, calling the toString () function on any object or function in JS can tell a lot about your browser. The JS Features block is designed to enable protection against various browser detection techniques.



In this setting, values are generated for the User-Agent string (a string that is sent along with the request and contains information about the browser, OS and its bit depth, and other information).

Not to be confused with the Browser type on which the current project is running and which can be changed in the Project Settings


Operating System and Platform


  • Registration on websites, forums, blogs, social networks and other places

    • thanks to the presence of a Profile in ProjectMaker, you do not need to rack your brains over where to get names, surnames, indexes, cities, logins, how to generate User-Agents and other parameters. All this is already built into the program. You can focus on solving more important tasks.

  • Using the Profile processing action You can reassign some of the profile fields. Also, this action allows you to save and load a profile, which can be useful in order not to log in to the site every time you visit: when you first visit the site, you log in, work with the site, and then save the profile. When you re-enter the site, load a previously saved profile and you are already logged in, you do not need to enter login data (perhaps this is due to the fact that browser cookies are stored in the profile).
