Publishing a project
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Table of contents
Publishing will collect all dependent libraries, encrypt, archive and package into a new template. Template sellers no longer need to assemble a set of libraries and transfer them along with the template, describing in the instructions where they should be located. All project execution rights that you have configured will remain unchanged. And with the new upload function to your Personal Account, you do not have to spend a lot of time on supporting and updating your project - you just need to download the update from ProjectMaker, and your clients will receive the update automatically
How to open a window?
Using the keyboard shortcut
Ctrl + Alt + P
(default shortcut)Via the top menu File => Publish Project
by right-clicking on the tab of the desired template in the panel of open project
What is it used for?
To provide access to the template to ZennoBox or Zennoposter users on a subscription basis.
For encrypting projects that use third-party libraries.
Package external dependencies into one project. Now you don't have to think about how to transfer "External Dependencies" to the user.
Allows to speed up the execution and running of the project. By precompiling all the logic and project code.
Increases security, even if your account is stolen, the project cannot be opened.
How to work with the tool?
What to do?
Here you need to select the desired option for action with the project: