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If the proxies contained in the source are for some reason unsuitable for the execution of the project or the source itself is not trustworthy, and ZennoProxyChecker continues to add and check proxies from these sources, wasting precious time and resources, then such a source can be added to the Blacklist and you won't hear of it again.


  1. Adding to black list - for manual addition, enter the address in the field and press the Enter key.
    You can also add it through the context menu (described below in the article, in the Context menu section).

  2. Removing from the blacklist - select the source by clicking to the left of it (rectangle with number 2 in the screenshot) and press the Remove key.

  3. Import / Export - these buttons allow you to save (export) the current black list or load (import) a previously saved one.


Source table

This table contains all available information on proxy sources.
The columns of the table will be described below.

Type of source

Local source (file on hard disk).

Remote (source by URL)

Image ModifiedImage Modified

Source status

Proxies loaded successfully

Inaccessible addresses or non-existent file

The address is available, but the proxy was not found on it.

Image ModifiedImage ModifiedImage Modified

Path - the path to the source will be indicated here. This can be a URL or a path to a file on your hard drive.
