Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleIf the log window is not displayed

There are cases when the log window is not displayed, although there is a checkbox next to it in the settings (as shown in the screenshot above), indicating that it is enabled. If, after several attempts to enable it, it still does not appear, then you can perform a general reset of the windows settings in ProjectMaker.

ATTENTION! The steps described below will reset the window settings, in other words, if you have customized the program interface for yourself by arranging its windows in a way convenient for you, then all these settings will be deleted and the default value will be set.Заходим

в настройки (Редактирование-Настройки), выбираем вкладку Отладкаи в самом низу окна ищем кнопку Сбросить панелиGo to the settings (Edit-Settings), select the Debug tab and at the very bottom of the window look for the Reset Panels button.After clicking this button and restarting ProjectMaker, all window settings will be reset, but enabling the log window should work correctly (this method can also be used in case of problems with displaying other program windows).


In the program settings, on the Other tab, you can change the conditions under which auto-scrolling will be disabled.


PorjectMaker and ZennoPoster additionally save logs on the computer in the directory with the installed program, in the Logs folder. This is how the path to this folder C:\Program Files\ZennoLab\RU\ ZennoPoster Pro ZennoPosterPro V7\\Progs\Logs might look like

Splitting by


projects and



By default, all logs from all templates are written to one file. This behavior can be changed using C # C# code , which must be placed at the beginning of the template:


In the program settings, you can enable the Extended log. To do this, in the top menu, click on Edit, then Settings, then select the Debug tab and look for the Advanced option of the log window. For the changes to take effect, you must restart ProjectMaker.



When you enable extended logging in ProjectMaker, it will automatically be enabled in ZennoPoster.

The appearance of the extended log window


titleScreenshots and filter translations

Equals - String equal to filter (exact match)

Does Not Equal - NOT equal to filter

Begins With - Starts with ...

Ends With - Ends With ...

Contains - Contains

Does Not Contain - Does Not Contain

Is Blank - The line is empty

Is Not Blank - NOT an empty string

Custom - Composite filter.


  1. When you click on this button, you can add a new condition, a group of conditions, or completely clear all search conditions. It is also necessary to define a logical connection between the conditions here:

    1. AND - meet ALL conditions

    2. OR - satisfy at least one of the conditions

    3. NOT AND - DO NOT meet ALL conditions

    4. NOT OR - DO NOT satisfy at least one of the conditions

  2. Using this button, you can easily add an additional condition.

  3. The column to which the filter is applied is indicated in blue in square brackets (in the screenshot, in the last condition, empty brackets are the Untitled column. Although she it does not have her its own name, you can filter by herit).

  4. The filter type is displayed in green.

  5. Black text is user input for the filter.

  6. This button makes it easy to remove the filter.


Unfortunately, it is impossible to write to this column using the standard Alert action (at the time of this writing, the latest version of the program is To do this, you must use the Custom C # C# code cube and have minimal knowledge of working with C # C# code.

There are four methods for displaying messages in the log. - project.SendInfoToLog, project.SendWarningToLog, project.SendErrorToLog (с помощью этого метода можно задавать цвет сообщениямusing this method, you can set the color of messages). Each of these methods has an overload (work in the project.SendInfoToLog, project.SendWarningToLog, project.SendErrorToLog methods is identical, so here we will only consider project.SendInfoToLog)

Code Block
// The first version of the method.
// Arguments:
// 1st - the line that will be displayed in the "Message" column
// 2nd - bool, whether it is necessary to display this message in the ZennoPoster log
project.SendInfoToLog ("Message", true);

// Second option:
// Arguments:
// 1st - the line that will be displayed in the "Message" column
// 2nd - row, this row will appear in an unnamed column.
// 3rd - bool, whether it is necessary to display this message in the ZennoPoster log
project.SendInfoToLog ("Message", "Way", true);

This is what how the call to this code looks like:


  • in multithreaded work, you can enter the account name in the Untitled column, and the action that this account is currently performing in Messages . If the need arises, you can either group messages by this column (this is done by right-clicking on the title and selecting the appropriate option), or set up a filter.

  • it may be necessary to write large templates that perform execute many functions in one pass, for example - registration, filling out a profile, searching for a product, parsing and processing goods, publishing processed data (and all this is one template execution). Each of the described parts can contain many actions. So when logging into the Nameless column, you can write that part of the template in which the execution is now located, and write a specific action in Messages .
