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Right-clicking on the title will open a context menu with additional functions: grouping by the selected column, hiding columns. selection of width. Among them, we are now more interested in Auto Filter and Filter Designer.

Auto Filter


This allows you to quickly create a simple message filter.When activated, an additional line (1) appears under the headings, in which the type of filter is set and you can enter the necessary characters and \ or words according to which the displayed messages will be selected. The screenshot below shows the line that appears and a simple filtering is created (2) - only those lines that contain the “o” symbol are displayed (the search is performed by the Message column). Each line, on the left, has an icon, after clicking on which a context menu (3) appears with a choice of the type of filtration. The types of filters and the entered values depend on the type of the column: for the Time column, these are comparison operators (greater than ->, less than - <, equal to - =, etc.) and dates; for Messages - text search (Contains, does not contain, starts with, etc.) plus comparison operators.
